Monday, August 8, 2011

Warm Tomatoes and Hugs at My Door

Thanks is what multiplies the joy, and makes any life large...
 Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts   

(A Thousand Gifts #644-661)

hearing God's voice in the middle of fear, frustration, fatigue

steamy, sticky, summer rain coming down hard

dinner full of garden-goodness

the elderly couple shuffling in front of me at the mall, he with his arm protectively around her shoulders...and their life-story

nostalgia and the bittersweet longing for then

delight in a new song, a new perspective, fresh inspiration

the friend who insisted we stop and breathe in the moment with all its value...and her willingness to say the loving things aloud that I often keep tucked inside

time with the "children" who grew up with focus and purpose

answered prayers

love in the form of peanut butter m&m's and pepsi and hugs at my door, and love in the form of a bag full of veggies at my door

her sweet life, and her fervent desire to spend it all up on hard things...and his life, and his conviction and commitment to the same....and celebrating God bringing them together

warm tomatoes from the garden on the soft, white bread slathered with mayo (hello childhood me!) 

the growing tummy and speculating on november-sizes, and watching the joy

these faces, and the faces of the others who aren't in the picture, and the life-story intertwined...that belongs to them all

Happy Monday!

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