And just like that, it's a new year!
And I've already failed the sensitivity test! (Might as well get it out of the way early...)
I was talking with a friend yesterday, and, as is the case for many this time of year, I could tell she was flirting with the melancholy. She was feeling all The Big Feelings and thinking Many Big Thoughts associated with year-end.
Now I tend to veer quite far from melancholy-ville, and (unfortunately) my response was to Reign it in, Sally! There might have been a "Danger, Will Robinson!" thrown in* for good measure as I blithely reminded her that New Year's is "just another day." (And while that's true, I'm pretty sure I was zero help to her at the time. Oops!)
Yes, another(!) year has come and gone, and yes, there was a fair amount of hard and it looks a lot like nothing much has changed.
Here we are at 2015 and there is still precious little money, energy, or time. The hard things are still the hard things. Treasures lost are still long gone and "triumphs" sometimes seem few, so when we sit down and analyze the previous 365 days they can look more "eh" than "yippee!!"
However, in my humble opinion, we just need to look through the right lens :)
Alas, there is still precious little money, time, and energy, but I'm here to tell you that every single day God provided every single thing I needed...
...and yes, I suppose being alone could lean toward lonely, but, well, I wasn't :) Because every single day God plopped down beside me & pulled me close. He listened to me bellyache about this & that and he forgave me for my many trips & falls along the way.
What He never did was leave me all alone.
Of course I get tired, and I wish 2014 had delivered a new car, and I hope that 2015 will be the year for that Very Awesome Vacation (#fingerscrossed!)...and I certainly have twinges of regret for all the projects I failed to complete, the people I failed to love properly, and the person I failed to be, but through every single failure on my part He remains faithful.
He is enough.
He is everything.
(And He loves me!)
So this I know, through firsthand experience...Resting in Him, relying on Him, and praising Him for all He does and Is, through each of my days, makes for the very happiest of years!
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Happy New Year :)

*name that show!