Wednesday, November 6, 2013

the 31st of october

Kate took this picture at Kari's before Trunk-or-Treating. 

So I might as well admit it, Halloween has never been my thing.  Whimsy sometimes escapes me as I'm mostly creativity-impaired, and no matter how hard I pretend otherwise I've never been a fan of dressing up.  It's also true that I was a terrible mom when it came to costumes for my little girls.  Even Crazy Hat Night at Awana stressed me out!  The one notable exception would be Kari as Pocahontas on book report day. 
She rocked the whimsy that day. 

Anyhoo, I might feel completely inept at most things creative, but now that I"m not in charge and
the pressure's off I'm finding plenty to smile about :)

Owen refused to cooperate, choosing instead to watch Toy Story of Terror for the 40th time. 
No judgment here, mister.

Audrey, on the other hand, was all about being a bee, scoping out the treats, and hugging on the neighbors.  She might have allegedly attended the neighborhood party, come home for a quick break, and then re-attended said party, scoring enough cookies, soda, and candy to keep us twitchy until Thanksgiving.

Norah wasn't interested in any of the silliness, so Puppy partied in her place.  
We can't be sure, but I think he had a pretty good time.

Kate made dinner, which was a taco pizza (YUMMO!), and there was all manner of loud and snuggly and messy and mad and sweet to go around.  It was a good night, is all I'm saying :)


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