Monday, April 18, 2011

Mashed potatoes and new Mondays

Well it's been pretty boring, and yet not, for me this week.  Spring has sprung with a vengeance and rendered me somewhat unpleasant to be around.  Not that I'm complaining...I'm fully aware that many people would love to have my problems :)  A little allergy-season misery truly is nothing to complain about.

Although I'm thinking the people who love me are probably wishing I'd be a little quieter in my contentedness, haha.

Anyhoo, I've mostly been working except when I'm not, and moping around.  I've been... well... I guess that's pretty much it.  Working and sometimes not, and moping around.

The end.

Nah, not really.

I have been at Kate's for the last few days but will be home sometime this morning.  I had promised a while back to stay with the babies while she and Jermy did a youth-group-related day trip.  Little did I know that my runny-nose situation would take a drastic spiral in the downward direction by the time the weekend rolled around.  No worries; we do what we need to do, huh. 

Early Saturday, in the midst of what appeared to be a monsoon of Biblical proportions, K & J headed out and I settled in on the couch with two tiny children who like me.  This is basically where we stayed for the next 14 hours or so.  And it was delightful.

Except when the younger child who shall remain nameless started hollering and yelling and exercising his lungs in an enthusiastic manner. 

It wasn't no much delightful then.

But still we persevered. 

Basically we watched approximately seventeen Barney's and around five or thirty riveting Blue's Clues episodes.  and ate apples and yogurt and chocolate pudding.  I may or may not have slept for roughly 78% of the day, but no one was injured or  got lost or anything.  K & J returned home and I went to sleep for the rest of the evening in about 2.8 minutes.

It was a good day!

As proof positive that I haven't seen my A-game lately, I have been with the babies for days and...not one picture.  Not one.  And I'm not even sorry.  Therefore, the photo above is yet another one that belongs to my girl.  (Thanks again, Katie!)

So that was my week in a nutshell.  

Sadly I can't think of a single way to transition in a clever - or even coherent manner - so I won't try.

But I really am awfully thankful :)

A Thousand Gifts #455-466)

free access to God's word in written form, this week specifically?  the book of James

mashed potatoes and yogurt and pudding and other such soft foods that soothe

snuggles with round baby boys and the smile that accompanies eye contact

the two-year-old's help puttering in the kitchen and hearing her ask for the 200th time whatcha dooo-in' naynay? and the cute way she smiles, knowing she's being funny, and the sing-alongs

the heart-to-hearts with my youngest and knowing her so well, and the joy of praying for her

my Father's protection through terrible weather and the inevitable beautiful sunshine that follows the mess

this brand-new monday to do it again... with the lessons learned since the monday before

Have a great day :)


Melanie said...

They are PRECIOUS! Love your list!!

I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog during Holy Week! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

Celebrating His resurrection,

Melanie said...

They are PRECIOUS! Love your list!!

I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog during Holy Week! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

Celebrating His resurrection,

Leah said...

Such a sweet list! Love how you enjoy your little ones! :)

Renee said...

Thank you so, so much Melanie for the Easter buttons. They made me very happy :) I'm praying for you and your family tonight :)

Leah, thanks so much for dropping by! I appreciate your encouragement - and I'm looking forward to diving into your bloggy world tomorrow :) Have a great week!

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