So I've finished work for the moment and thought I jot down a few things before we lose power for days or weeks or the rest of our lives, depending on which TWC reporter is on at the moment.
(Did that sound a little mean and/or sarcastic? I intended neither meanness nor sarcasm.)
Today was a great day and a weird day and also an emotional day.
Is there a better kind of day for us human types to live? All filled up with, well, feelings?
SO BLESSED, we are.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
multicolored leaves raining down
the little "fairy" attending Sunday worship
warm hugs
fresh sheets
hot pasta on a breezy Sunday
pumpkin candles
surprises that change everything
hearing him sing
the camera that took these pictures and the friend who shared the camera
the scent of wet leaves
bundled-up baby boys
watching her in the choir
unplanned visits with them in their PJ's, and sharing my pizza, and snuggling tight
(A Thousand Gifts 1215-1228)
Happy Monday :)