Tuesday, June 12, 2012

i'm fine, how are you?

Dear Mom:

Well it's raining today.  

Actually, if I'm being completely honest I would have to say it has been raining today.  At the moment we have reached a lull in actual rainfall, but word on the street is that it isn't gone.  The weather channel let us down in the whole telling-us-ahead-of-time-so-we-can-prepare-the-whippersnappers department, but I don't care so much.  I'm sitting around in my holey netkeepers t-shirt with the accompanying bare feet and utter lack of eyeliner, so rain or shine it makes no difference to me.

I'm going to recreate if it kills me.

However, it has become abundantly clear that with or without the sea I was simply born to putter.  I blame you.  Any way you slice it, you ruined me for future lazy endeavors.  I putter in the kitchen, putter on the beach, putter at the local fancy Harris Teeter.

It matters not where or how.  I must putter.  

My vacationing pals don't mind, though, as it usually leads to clean dishes in the dishwasher, or washed/sugared/sliced strawberries in the fridge, etc. 

The one time I found myself utterly putter-free was perhaps my favorite vacationy moment thus far.  Donna has a super-cool mesh-y float upon which I spent approximately 30 minutes yesterday while soaking up some rays.  It was wonderful and also delightful, and I only looked at the clock near the Coke machine a few times to see how long I'd been "relaxing."  Baby steps is what I say.

I have also determined in my heart to use certain gift card-y goodness to purchase my very own pool float just as soon as I find myself back in civilization, i.e. near Target.

The littles are doing well, but they are thoroughly displeased about the aforementioned rain situation.  I'm not sure what we'll do to get through the day, but a certain little flick that rhymes with Had-a-gas-car has been bandied about.  

Of course that daggone job-o-mine will become relevant in a (very) few hours.  I know you've told me repeatedly that it's poor form to whine, but still.

So anyway, that's the scoop here in Paradise!  I hope y'all are doing well at home.  Tell Grandpa I said hi and don't forget to feed Fido.


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