Monday, October 4, 2010

Counting My Blessings...

"Yes, we will cook and we will clean and we will make with our hands and build and dig and grow, but our real vocation in this world is giving Him glory, always giving Him thanks in all things. Mostly always giving thanks. How else can we rightly respond? What do we rightfully deserve?"  Ann Voskamp

holy experience

More blessings I do not deserve but am so very thankful to receive...
35.  The smell of a childhood favorite bubbling in the oven.
36.  Hearing sweet Audrey's gleeful voice squealing my name again and again before Kate can even get the car door open.
37.  A surprise visit from my sister.
38.  Precious, unhurried time with my firstborn, chatting about nothing and everything while my grandchild plays nearby.
39.  The gift of a just-out-of-the-oven, made-from-scratch pie prepared by loved ones just for me.
40.  I John 1:9!
41.  Grace.  Beautiful, wonderful Amazing Grace.
42.  To my knowledge, each member of my family has a warm bed to sleep in with a sturdy roof over their heads, food in their refrigerators, and clean, running water flowing with the turn of their faucets.

Thank you, Father, for showering me with such endless love.

God bless you on this wonderful Monday morning!

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