Monday, December 6, 2010

Jehovah Provides!

holy experience

Remember back in Genesis when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? 
I've always loved that passage. 

I love how committed Abraham was and how he had such faith
that God would make it ok...whatever it turned out to be. 

I love how God provided the sacrifice, thus saving Isaac's life. 
I love how he provided exactly what was needed, when it was needed. 

God provided exactly what was needed, when it was needed.

...and just like He did for Abraham, God provides my everything.  every day. 

I just love Him so! 

Blessing, upon blessing, upon blessing...

The awful, wonderful cross ... permanent redemption
He loves me as I am...weird, messy me
He has limitless patience with me
Neverfailing, neverending faithfulness
His word 
The privilege of prayer
Deep-inside-my-soul joy
Beautiful, strength-giving hope
My yearning heart

Warm fingers and toes
Snowflakes tickling my nose
The aroma of warm soup bubbling on the stove
New pictures of my grandchildren
That wonderful, bittersweet, homesick feeling that comes from missing loved ones,
 which comes from the precious gift of having ones to love
Christmas Pandora
My sister and the pumpkin pie given to replace the one I lost
A quick chat about Jesus with my precious baby, all grown up and loving her Lord
The undeserved gift of life!!

Thank you, Lord Jesus

Make it a gratitude-filled Monday y'all...He deserves all our praise!

(A Thousand Gifts #145-162)

p.s.  If you are looking for an Advent resource for your family, I have been thoroughly blessed by this one that Ann is giving away.


gretchen said...

Thank you for sharing. I found your link from another Multitude Monday post. I am blessed by your words. Thank you. Praying God blesses your socks off today!

Erin said...

Yes! Thank you, Lord Jesus! And thank YOU for your sweet words of encouragement today. Prayers sent your way.

Becky Avella said...

Hi Renee,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog this morning. Knowing that you prayed for us was a huge blessing to me this morning. I loved your list of gratitude and especially loved this line:
That wonderful, bittersweet, homesick feeling that comes from missing loved ones,
which comes from the precious gift of having ones to love

God bless you this week!

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