Wednesday, June 22, 2011

M.V.P. - That's Me

PreScript (is that a word?):  I wrote the following last night.  I'm tardy in my attempted daily posting because of the fact of NO INTERNET and also NO TV WHATSOEVER.  It was just like Little House on the Prairie except I didn't have Pa to answer my questions and entertain me with a story.  I suppose for this reason I awakened this morning with a severe, debilitating case of BAD MOOD.  My thinking is maybe I'll feel better if I tell the whole worldwideweb.  I have always heard that misery, in fact, loves company.  I'll let you know if it works.

PostScript to the Above PreScript (is that a word?):  It has also just this minute come to my attention that Blogger is having issues.  I KNOW, right??  I can hardly believe it myself.  In light of this information I shall cease banging my head against the wall and present the following without all the superb and happy pictures of us frolicking at the pool. 

Imagine a wide shot of adorable children of varying ages frolicking in the pool, here.

Get ready for some random!

1.  Jumping repeatedly  in an awkward manner off the diving board and then swimming to the side of the pool, followed by hauling myself out of said pool is actually quite…exhausting.  Two trips in the aforementioned loop and I was already out of breath and about 52% week-kneed.  (Is that a word?)   You might be impressed to know that I persevered and lost count of how many times I jumped, swam, and then hauled.   Nonetheless, I am quite sure it was at least twice as many as a whole lot.

Picture a tight shot of adorable children frolicking with a beach ball, here.

2.  Spending time with a few of my people and a couple of MY GIRLS always takes me to my happy place.  Just watching the girls chit-chatting with each other being all cute and grown up makes me feel all warm and nostalgic and mushy inside.  Sitting poolside on the First Day of Summer with these friends while noshing on pizza and fruit and broccoli noodle-y salad and chocolate eclair is nearly too much of the HAPPY. 

There would have been a photo of adorable children enjoying some pizza and fruit
while hamming it up for the camera right here.

3.  Spending time with a few of my people and a couple of MY GIRLS makes me miss my other people and my very own, birthed-'em-myself girls ACUTELY.   And by acutely I mean suddenly and in an intense way.  No kidding, I wanted to hug a few necks that weren't there.. BADLY.   (I so wanted to type BAD right there for emphasis but I can't in good conscience make such a blatant grammatical error.  Those wacky adverbs  do love their Y's.)  Either way, those Necks I mentioned?  Well, I think you know who you are.  And I love ya.

Insert photo of three smiling friends of my daughters and also daughters of my friends, here.

4.  Bethany made this broccoli noodle-y salad dish that I'm still thinking about tonight.  It was really good.

I had planned to include my favorite photo of the day, a small little girl and a beach ball, in this spot.  (Trust me, it was good!)

5.  Cox has let me down, Folks.  Just because we quite literally had a four-hour storm full of all manner of thunderclaps and lightening bolts is no excuse.  I got in about a measly 20 minutes of hard labor and the power and cable starts coming and going.  Mere minutes later all connections are GONE.  (Gone like a freight train, gone like yesterday, gone like a soldier in the civil war – Bang Bang!) 

Sorry – I got distracted.  You can take the girl out of Tennessee but you can't take the country out of the girl. 

Imagine photographic evidence of the crazy insane, wanna-hide-in-the-closet downpour
outside my window - here.

ANYHOO,  I spent the rest of my Tuesday that had started out with such PROMISE chatting it up with the lovely yet clueless Laura from Cox Communications trying to figure out what to tell my boss, and futilely turning on the TV – alternating with opening my laptop – hoping all would be corrected since the 3 minutes prior.  Alas, it wasn't to be, and now I have lost a day.  AND couldn't continue my In Plain Sight marathon. AND was stressed AND did not sleep...quite unlike the type of night off one might actually, you know, want. 
Also at this rate I may seriously never, ever buy groceries again.

6.  But do not despair, I still view the day to be a complete success with personal historical significance because for the first time in my life I was declared MVP of…something.

I was MVP of the backyard pool!

Also I scored a solid 10 on my diving board entry which was more of an awkward jump because I'm not so much a diver.  However, the very same child who bestowed upon me my MVP status told me that the 10 was surely a pity score by my friend and in all actuality should have been no higher than a 4.

My final photo would have been right here, sweet Mary Hannah, and she's a cutie.

I suspect MVP was short for the only old(ish) lady willing to get her hair wet.

Whatever.   I will SO take it.

Happy Wednesday!

p.s.  Thanks for all the FUN Mary Hannah :)

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