It's Friday! So without preamble...
I think motherhood should come with a pause button so we can sit and stay a while in those precious times when everything lines up just right, and we are all happy and smiling and clean...and life feels just too full to bear.
It should also come with a rewind button so we can hop back just a bit (or a lot!) and undo the cranky tones and frowny faces and exasperated sighs and distracted hearts - -
- - and also so we can re-do the big days, like when she toddled into my arms that first time, or that first day of school...the day I drove away from her freshman dorm or that last night with my babies sleeping in their own beds before becoming married women.
Yes, a go-back button would be quite desirable to help grab the tail of those days that fly by in a lightening-fast blur.
That little hollering bundle of joy should come with an unlimited supply of tissues, and energy, and extra time - and an always-turned-on video camera to capture all the things going unnoticed while busy wiping up the messes.
Motherhood should come with perspective, and patience, a great sense of humor, clear priorities, and an unlimited supply of understanding the big picture.
Right from the start, motherhood should come with a warning that my heart will never be truly safe again, that it will fill with unfathomable highs and break with remarkable ease.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Happy Friday!
p.s. I went over approximately five minutes on this one. To my shame that means I doubled my time limit. Very not cool, I know. I'm officially sorry for breaking the rules - - next week I'm back on the straight and narrow, so to speak :) Have a great weekend!