Thank you, dear LORD, for the gifts of love and grace and beauty that you shower on me every day that I live.
May I never stop counting...
thoughtful children and conversational toddlers...watching my daughters give their time and patience and comfort away for Him
eating outside, and cleansing tears, and cleansing rain
joy in the missing
light with the dark
this beautiful valley I call home with the familiar mountains that surround, and memories evoked with the noticing...and the greenest, lushest spring in memory
reconnecting, and standing lunch dates, and friday evening recaps...and always the friends who love me despite periods of distraction
hearing Nathan's voice and knowing he is safe and strong and home, and hearing the joy in his mama's voice...and the swelling rush of love for them all
kind clerks in toy stores, and the sweet girl who took my money and gave me a bagel, and the cheerful waitress taking patient care of us on a busy night
quick chats with my new neighbor while desiring to love like Jesus
slow conversations over long meals with the women who literally have known me always
remembering...and forgetting
finding some of my sweet girls among all the people and music and chaos and strawberries
stolen kisses
reciprocal hugs
dancing in the sunshine
bare feet in the grass
being delightfully aware of the right now
(A Thousand Gifts #491-521)

beautiful list!
This is just beautiful. It painted lovely pictures in my mind. You have such a way with words. I'm so glad to have "virtually" met you! You brighten my days!
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