More of a thousand...
lessons learned
fresh discovery of a beloved hymn
extending and receiving mercy
today's provision
the first page of a new book...and the last page of a new book
wiping her counters when no one is looking
making a new friend
standing in church and singing the same songs I sang as a child, and knowing each word from memory
new haircuts and chubby cheeks
that click the dishwasher makes when it's all finished
my sturdy roof that withstands the scary storms and knowing I'm never alone
the day trip with the family, and catching up with melisa, and the cupcakes in april
easy communication with technical support
brilliant sunshine on a monday morning
the smell of damp, freshly cut grass
an armful of silly bandz
bubbles and sprays on a sunny easter afternoon
(A thousand Gifts #468-490)
Happy Monday!

p.s. Thanks Kari Beth for the beautiful photos! I love you sweet girl :)
There's LOTS and LOTS to love in this list of gifts! And put together so lovely, adorned with beautiful pictures. I think I'll read it again. . . Have a happy day!
:) Thanks Michelle. It helps a lot to have daughters with great cameras and generous spirits :) Have a great Wednesday!
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