Happy Friday, Y'all!
WE MADE IT!! (Although there is a whole lot of Friday left for me because of the whole working-at-night-and-everyone-else-is-finished thing, but still FRIDAY!)
Do you remember the FMF "rules?" Write for five and edit not.
Spell check permissible :)
Let's get started,, shall we?
Empty generally (or at least often) has a negative connotation.
Empty. Barren. In possession of nothing.
In need of filling up, or replacing, or what-have-you.
Not the favorite of a person like me who enjoys a bent toward All Cozy, All The Time.
However... I'm thinking empty can also be quite glorious!
How's about some empty hampers?
I'm thinking an empty to-do list, or (gasp!) an empty schedule would also be quite welcome :)
Or here's my favorite...an empty sink devoid of a single dirty dish!
I'm not gonna lie to ya, the concept feels like mostly a pipe dream, but it has been known to happen from time to time, and seeing as we are heading straight into a Saturday that (for me) is empty of all commitments, it's within the realm of possibility that I fulfill at least one of the aforementioned dreams :)
Hope springs eternal, ya know :)
What about you? What would like to have a lot more empty of?
Hope your Friday is *full* of happy!

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